K) Screen Shots of VirusBlockade’s Main Window and Dialog Boxes.
VirusDetective 5.x and VirusBlockade II 2.x require a Macintosh Plus (or later) running System 6.0.2 (or later).
Both the VirusBlockade and VirusBlockade LTD. (the demo version) Control Panel documents should NOT BOTH be in the System folder simultaneously. If, in the past, you have had the LIMITED (DEMO) version installed, and are about to install the full-working version, first put the LIMITED (DEMO) version into some other folder (or the Trash)! Only after the LIMITED version is in some other folder should you then put the full-working version into your System folder.
[Vice versa is true also: If, in the past, you have had the fully-operational version installed, and are about to install the LIMITED (DEMO) version, first put the fully-operational version into some other folder (or the Trash)! Only after the fully-operational version is in some other folder should you then put the LIMITED (DEMO) version into your System folder.]
If “VirusBlockade™ II” and “VirusBlockade™ II Ltd.” are both in the System folder at the same time, only ONE will load, the one whose name comes first alphabetically. The version whose name comes second alphabetically will NOT load. Assuming that neither name has been changed, “VirusBlockade™ II” will be the ONE to load, and “VirusBlockade™ II Ltd.” won’t load (because alphabetically “VirusBlockade™ II” comes BEFORE “VirusBlockade™ II Ltd.”.)
During startup, the icon (that appears along the bottom of the screen) of the one that loads shows up as the “normal” VirusBlockade icon. The one that doesn’t load shows up as VirusBlockade’s “bypass” icon (which is the normal icon but has a circle/slash through it).
The first thing to do is install the VirusDetective 5.X desk accessory (DA) PRIOR to installing VirusBlockade by following the VirusDetective Installation Instructions.
VirusBlockade (and its demonstration version, VirusBlockade Ltd.,) is a Control Panel document for the Macintosh. The second thing to do is make sure that Apple’s Control Panel desk accessory is installed; if it is not installed, NOW is the time to install it. You will find complete instructions in the Apple manual that came with your Macintosh on how to install desk accessories; it comes with every Macintosh Apple sells.
Copy the VirusBlockade file into the System Folder.
As an alternative, if you want to install VirusBlockade LTD. (DEMO), copy the VirusBlockade LTD. (DEMO) file into the System folder. NOTE: DO NOT have both the full-working version and the LTD. (DEMO) version in the System Folder at the same time! [The LTD. (DEMO) version has some disabled features which are described in section E.]
Restart your Macintosh – this will load VirusBlockade.
Access to the VirusBlockade Control Panel document is through a desk accessory called the ‘Control Panel’. Under desk accessories, find the Control Panel and select it. Once the Control Panel is open, on the left side, scroll down the alphabetical listing of the Control Panel until you get to the VirusBlockade icon; then select (highlight) the Virus Blockade icon.
Once highlighted, you can make changes (your “preferences”) to VirusBlockade; change any of the options you wish (if you are using the LTD. (DEMO) version of VirusBlockade, your changes will be lost when you shut down your Macintosh). [See Section J) “Sample Option Changes (Configurations / Scenarios)”.]
Your changes will take effect ONLY after you either click another Control Panel document or close the Control Panel desk accessory.
The first thing to do is install the VirusDetective 5.X desk accessory (DA) PRIOR to installing VirusBlockade by following the VirusDetective Installation Instructions. The second thing to do is place the VirusDetective desk accessory file (or an alias to it) into the Apple Menu Items folder in the System folder in order for VirusBlockade’s automatic scanning features (including SUPERFAST FILE SCANNING™) to work.
Copy the VirusBlockade file into the Control Panel’s folder located in your System Folder; do this by dragging the VirusBlockade icon into the CLOSED System Folder icon.
As an alternative, if you want to install VirusBlockade LTD. (DEMO), copy the VirusBlockade LTD. (DEMO) file into the Control Panel’s folder. NOTE: DO NOT have both the full-working version and the LTD. (DEMO) version in the System Folder at the same time! [The LTD. (DEMO) version has some disabled features which are described in section E.]
Restart your Macintosh – this will load VirusBlockade.
To open VirusBlockade, open the Control Panels folder and double-click on the VirusBlockade file. You can make changes (your “preferences”) to VirusBlockade; change any of the options you wish (if you are using the LTD. (DEMO) version of VirusBlockade, your changes will be lost when you shut down your Macintosh). [See Section J) “Sample Option Changes (Configurations / Scenarios)”.]
Your changes will take effect ONLY after you close the VirusBlockade window.
Three features found in the fully-operational version of VirusBlockade have been disabled (or removed) in VirusBlockade’s DEMO version (this demonstration version is called VirusBlockade II Ltd.):
1) Your option changes (your “preferences”) are NOT saved permanently: if you make any configuration changes, the configurations will be lost when you restart your Macintosh.
2) Passwords cannot be set: you cannot use the password protection feature. This also means you cannot use the Rookie Switch™.
3) No programmer’s hooks: other applications cannot install a matched file callback procedure nor can they ask VirusBlockade to directly scan a file.
The demo (Ltd.) version lets you sample MOST of VirusBlockade’s features and describes ALL of them. We have furnished the demo version so you can evaluate whether VirusBlockade fits your needs – if it does fit your needs, you would then purchase the fully-operational version from our firm via direct mail. [The fully operational version comes with a 30-day money back guarantee, no questions asked.]
In System 6.X (starting at 6.0.2):
Your changes will take effect ONLY after you either click another Control Panel document or close the Control Panel desk accessory. Your changes are stored in the “VBII Prefs” file which is located in the System Folder. You can move this file from Macintosh to Macintosh.
In System 7.0 (or later):
Your changes will take effect when you close the VirusBlockade window. Your changes are stored in the “VBII Prefs” file which is located in the “Preferences” Folder in the System Folder. You can move this file from Macintosh to Macintosh.
VirusBlockade uses the following fonts. Install BEFORE using VirusBlockade because things won’t look right unless you do:
Helvetica 9, 10, 12,18;
Chicago 12;
Geneva 9, 12, 18.
In order to keep the instruction manual from getting separated from the VirusBlockade Control Panel document, we have changed the format of the documentation from external to internal. It used to be that the documentation was an external text document. Now the documentation is contained in several Help files internal to VirusBlockade – this way the documentation is always accessible to you. VirusBlockade’s Main Window has access to the ‘About’ file, the ‘Configs’ file (hold the Option key down and press the ‘About’ button), and the Main Window ‘Help’ file; the Scan Disks, Scan Files, Lock Disks, and Options dialog boxes each have their own ‘Help’ files.
To create a print file to print an instruction manual on paper, first note that each of the seven dialog boxes (one ‘About’ file, one ‘Configs’ file (hold the Option key down and press the ‘About’ button), and five ‘Help’ files) has a “Help -> Clipboard” (or “Text -> Clipboard”) button. When you click the “Help -> Clipboard” button, the entire text of that particular file gets copied into the Clipboard; paste the contents of the Clipboard into your chosen word processing (or desktop publishing) application. We suggest you add the contents of each file to the end of the previous file. If you are printing on a laser printer (since this document is in Geneva), change the entire document to a laser font. Make sure all your print settings are the way you want them. Then print on paper.
If the word processing program you choose ‘understands’ the “standard formatted text Clipboard” (for example, MacWrite II does; Microsoft Word 4.0 does not), all the text formatting (font, font size, bold, italics, underline, etc.) that exists in the internal files will be RETAINED. Otherwise, you’ll lose all the text formatting, and be left with ONLY text.
Several suggested option configurations / scenarios can be found by holding down the Option key and clicking the ‘About’ button.
In case you want to compile your own reference manual on paper, INCLUDING GRAPHICS of the Main Window and dialog boxes, for your convenience, we have furnished screen shots of VirusBlockade’s icon, Main Window, and several dialog boxes. The screen shots are in PICT format; if you use a color monitor, some of the screen shots will show up in color.
The screen shots are located in a scrapbook document called “VirusBlockade™ II Scrapbook”. If you use Apple’s Scrapbook to view “VirusBlockade™ II Scrapbook”, first rename the file to “Scrapbook File” and put it in your System folder.